1) Running Shoes - these blue and green running shoes, or more specifically track shoes, are the same pair of shoes I wore while racing across the finish line of my last track meet as a high school senior. This track meet not only marked a new school record for the 1600m, but also the last time I would run for a competitive sports team.
2) Sunglasses - reminds me of how my immediate family and I have a high preference for the outdoors rather than staying indoors. Our family activities include biking, hiking, running, and fishing.
3) Pocka Dot Bow - the bow is a childhood token of mine. And one I bought from St. Augustine years before coming to the city. The hair accessory was given to me as a gift by a relative and I never wore it a day since then. Why? Because of how much of a young tomboy I used to be. It stands as a reminder of how different I was as a kid.
4) Butterfly Headband - Purchased two years ago, this headband represents a love for all things in nature. The headband is shaped like the butterflies that used to flock around the flower garden back home. And the multitude of colors give a glimpse of the colors which filled the flower bed.
5) Peacock Headband - the headband is of significance because of its sparkling design is one that takes me back to my middle school years when I would collect blingy jewelry and donate it to other young friends of mine.
6) Glass Kitten Necklace - given to me by my grandfather two weeks before he passed away, this necklace rings of significance as it was the last token I remember my grandpa by.
7) Shoebox - the shoebox signifies the sports I have grown up playing, cross country running and track. Both have taught me discipline and strength and were also important in my upbringing.