Tuesday, January 20, 2015

A Few of My Favorite Things (2)

1) Running Shoes - these blue and green running shoes, or more specifically track shoes, are the same pair of shoes I wore while racing across the finish line of my last track meet as a high school senior. This track meet not only marked a new school record for the 1600m, but also the last time I would run for a competitive sports team. 

2) Sunglasses - reminds me of how my immediate family and I have a high preference for the outdoors rather than staying indoors. Our family activities include biking, hiking, running, and fishing.

3) Pocka Dot Bow -  the bow is a childhood token of mine. And one I bought from St. Augustine years before coming to the city. The hair accessory was given to me as a gift by a relative and I never wore it a day since then. Why? Because of how much of a young tomboy I used to be. It stands as a reminder of how different I was as a kid.  

4) Butterfly Headband - Purchased two years ago, this headband represents a love for all things in nature. The headband is shaped like the butterflies that used to flock around the flower garden back home. And the multitude of colors give a glimpse of the colors which filled the flower bed.

5) Peacock Headband - the headband is of significance because of its sparkling design is one that takes me back to my middle school years when I would collect blingy jewelry and donate it to other young friends of mine.

6) Glass Kitten Necklace - given to me by my grandfather two weeks before he passed away, this necklace rings of significance as it was the last token I remember my grandpa by.         

7) Shoebox - the shoebox signifies the sports I have grown up playing, cross country running and track. Both have taught me discipline and strength and were also important in my upbringing. 

Sunday, January 18, 2015

A Few of My Favorite Things

1) Skeleton Key - was used to unlock a child's diary. I kept it under my pillow during the 3rd grade. I felt as if the key looked inconspicuous enough to where no one would assume it was connected to a diary.

2) Toy Map - a piece from a pirate themed Megablocks set that built two war ships. My extensive Megablocks obsession set me apart from my other friends who were more into building with Legos throughout the elementary years.

3) Shells - the two colorful shells were once attached to a necklace that was given to me by my grandmother two weeks before she passed away. The shells were originally found off the coast of Georgia. 

4) Pebbles - growing up I was not allowed to own a cat or dog so I ended up purchasing a fish instead at the age of 12. The shinny pebbles were part of the fish tank. The fish still remains to be my first and only pet.

5) Bottle Cap Craft - represents my love for crafts, and creating something unique from the little things in life.

6) Toy Treasure Chest - a reminder of how things can unfold when you stop trying and let events transpire. This toy chest was the winning piece from a game I played with family and friends in middle school. I would always get very competitive but as soon as I let things happen it would result in me wining the treasure piece and the game.

7) Paper Leaf Piece - belongs to a page in a scrap book I created back in 2006. The particular page this leaf was on represents my love for nature and plant life.

8) Plastic Shovel - the plastic shovel is positioned in a way where it looks as if it is digging up something (possibly treasure) from underneath the rocks. Is representative of the times my grandparents and I would spend Geocashing and digging up treasure in the mountains of Arizona.